  • dance company

The dance company DanceArt Studio located in the city of Garner is a remarkable example of the work that is being done in dance in USA. It is a very good company to audition.

The DanceArt Studio’s mission is the broad promotion and dissemination of dance art and repertoire through a stable community. Open to all styles, dance languages ​​and general movement arts, it encourages American and international creativity. It supports new audiences and their national and international performances, in full artistic and creative autonomy.


DanceArt Studio dance company at Garner

DanceArt Studio Dancers

The cast of DanceArt Studio dance company is made up of dancers and for the most part the technique they dominate is .

The structure of the company is .

DanceArt Studio Audition

The style of the company DanceArt Studio can be classified as and the movement technique that its artistic director mainly looks for in dancers during auditions is .

For more up-to-date information visit the Lookballet dance auditions section.


The address of the company DanceArt Studio is: 82 Danceart Dr Suite C, Garner, NC 27529, United States

Contacting them can be done by phone at +1 919-550-6556, by email amber@danceartinc.com or through social networks.

  • Facebook:
  • Twitter:
  • Instagram:


The opening and closing hours of the company are:

  • Monday 9:30AM-9PM
  • Tuesday 9AM–9PM
  • Wednesday 9AM-9PM
  • Thursday 9AM-9PM
  • Friday 9AM-4PM
  • Saturday 9:30AM-12PM
  • Sunday Closed

These schedules on performance days may be modified.

DanceArt Studio Program

Both their current repertoire and dates of performances can be consulted on their website danceartinc.com


The average rating of this company on Google is 4.3 from 38 reviews.






Q Do you want to see a performance of company DanceArt Studio in the city of Garner?

Check if the company is not on tour by visiting its website danceartinc.com and if there is any upcoming performance at the city Garner and buy tickets.

Q How do I get tickets for DanceArt Studio?

DanceArt Studio tickets are available online at danceartinc.com, by phone at +1 919-550-6556 and at the Box Office. Tickets are subject to availability and there are no refunds, exchanges, or adjustments. Probably DanceArt Studio is pleased to offer full-time undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to purchase tickets at a special student rate for select performances for its season.

Q How much are DanceArt Studio tickets?

There is available information about the tickets price at its danceartinc.com.

Q Where does DanceArt Studio perform?

This company does not have its own theater or regular performance venue. To know the place of his next performance visit his website danceartinc.com.

Show all timings
  • lunes09:30 AM - 09:00 PM
  • martes09:00 AM - 09:00 PM
  • miércoles09:00 AM - 09:00 PM
  • jueves09:00 AM - 09:00 AM
  • viernes09:00 AM - 04:00 PM
  • sábado09:30 AM - 06:00 PM
  • domingo24 hours open